
My personal greeting to you.

in Welcome dear friend Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:17 pm
by Rev. AURorA Ute • | 326 Posts | 355 Points

Dear Friends
I am very pleased that you are here. Each of you is a soul worthy gain for us all. In last couple of days I become me aware that we all must pay more attention to our soul and our knowledge. I know that my english is not perfect but I also know that I like to share my knowledge with you. ( If you have suggestions for how I can write certain things better, it would be nice if you gave me to write)
This is not a business, this is what I believe in.
I BELIEVE that we should share if we be able to do so. I realize that not everyone has the money to share. But knowledge? Everyone has some knowledge and THIS we can shared.
Yes SHARING is pure JOY. It's a wonderful feeling when I receive letters or emails where people tell me THANK YOU.

I hope you enjoy.
Look around and take as much knowledge as you like with like.
It's all free. (unless otherwise noted)

My school is not part of any denomination.
Every faith is welcome, as long as he is respectful towards others.

Only one rule:
Act with love and respect.

A donation from you would be a wonderful thank you and supported my work. A part of the donations also go to KidsCare Cambodia.

Rev. AURorA Ute

Your thoughts will change your life
(If any rights have been violated, or a copyright has been misused, PLEASE share this with me immediately. So I can react.)
Every donation support my work and your education.

Last edited Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:39 pm | Scroll up

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